You can purchase the Assessment Matrix and the Assessor Guide as a bundle for the Core Units only in SIS40215Certificate IV in Fitness. The Units of Competency include the following:
You can purchase the Assessment Matrix and the Assessor Guide as a bundle for the Core Units only in SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness. The Units of Competency include the following:
SISFFIT001 Provide health screening and fitness orientation
SISFFIT002 Recognise and apply exercise considerations for specific populations
SISFFIT003 Instruct fitness programs
SISFFIT004 Incorporate anatomy and physiology principles into fitness programming
SISFFIT005 Provide healthy eating information
SISFFIT014 Instruct exercise to older clients
SISXCCS001 Provide quality service
SISXFAC001 Maintain equipment for activities
SISXIND001 Work effectively in sport, fitness and recreation environments